Windy City Redneck "The Podcast"
Our crew of outdoor enthusiasts just hanging out sharing stories and teaching you a few things along the way.
Windy City Redneck "The Podcast"
S4EP3 - "Life Is More Than Just A Bunch Of Zero Turns", with our special guest "Mario"
Season 4
Episode 3
Strap ypurself in or don't, it's your call but you will be entertained here in Part 1 of 2 - "Life Is More Than Just A Bunch Of Zero Turns", with our special guest "Mario". "Whisky Jim', "One More" and Rene' Jr. invited one of the podcast's longest listeners into the lounge for a lively discussion on all things country, usa, honor, family and everything else going on in today's crazy ass world. Opinions galore and laughter galore. Music by Liam Durkin.