Windy City Redneck "The Podcast"
Windy City Redneck "The Podcast"
Ohhh boy a long one. (That's what she said.) Rene' Jr. produces the show this week but can't help but to throw his 2 cents in on occasion. The Podcast makes a change with One More and Whisky Jim taking the reigns. The episode was recorded at Bartolini's Restaurant in Midlothian. There are some audio glitches in the beginning til about the 2:45 mark so be patient it gets corrected. Chris Bartolini joins the crew in the first segment to discuss the big changes on the horizon, how things came to be and where they are headed. An amazing revelation at just how much The Bartolini's cherish and appreciate their hard working staff. Whisky Jim and Chris go down memory lane with tales of the southside. In the second segment Phil Wingo joins the conversation with everything Porkmafia, his spice and rub brand. Phil describes how it all got started and explains why he loves doing what he does. His travels around the globe, the people he has meet and his many tales from those trips are damn entertaining and inspiring. As usual, it's all over the place but what else would you expect from Windy City Redneck The Podcast. Thanks to all the great staff and Bartolini's for having the crew and thanks to Phil's family for staying later than we planned. Chris and Phil's conversations with the crew make you realize how we all have a common bond in some way. Enjoy just over 2 hours of shootin' the sh$*. The podcast returns in 2 weeks with another all new episode. Until next time, stay cool, stay safe, we'll see you then!